RJAFF’s Grant Application
- One page cover letter
- Legal name of organization (name on IRS exemption letter)
- Physical address and mailing address
- Contact person, title (including e-mail address, if available)
- Telephone number, fax number and web site address
- Amount of money requested for this grant application and total cost of the project
- Using no more than three (3) sentences, describe how grant funds will be used
- Project description – at a minimum should address:
- Number of clients to be served by this grant.
- The community need met by the proposal
- A timetable and/or work plan for the project
- If your project/program will cost more than you are requesting from us, indicate how your organization will fund the balance. Show any in-kind support, other grants applied for and/or funds already received on your project budget
- Mission of organization, primary goals, and recent major accomplishments of the organization
- List of staff leading the project and their qualifications
- A list of the Board of Directors, their addresses and occupations
- Financial information including organizational budgets and basic financials (Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet) and most recent audit available
Please follow the guidelines for submission of information. We carefully review organizations and projects we support.